Professional Steno Software Support

Our steno keyboards (Uni, Polyglot, Asterisk) are designed to be used for Plover, the free and open source steno software. Plover enables you to use steno on all your computer tasks including writing emails, blogs, Word documents, and anything else a normal keyboard can do.

Our keyboards use the Gemini serial protocol, which means the computer recognizes our keyboards as a Gemini writer. So any CAT software that officially support Gemini writers should support our keyboard as well.

Here is a list of professional software that have confirmed compatibility with our product:

  • digitalCAT by Stenovations
    • According to a support staff member: " go to Translator > Steno Source and set the Primary steno device to Gemini Realtime".

If you are a provider of a professional software, please reach out to us! You can contact us through our Contact Us page.

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